¡Genji Monogatari (the Tale of Genji) Himegimi, Wakamurasaki No Kataru Ohanashi Yo Ni Utsukushi, Genji No Kimi No Ohanashi(10 Sai Made Ni Yomitai Nippon Meisaku)
¡MURASAKI SHIKIBU / Original Writer Ishi Mutsumi / Bun Sasaki Me / E
[Machine Translation] The story takes place about 1,000 years ago in the Heian period (794-1192). Wakamurasaki, a princess, tells the story of what happened to the beautiful and radiantly beautiful Prince Genji, whom she would later meet. She met and parted with people, and not only had happy times but also sad times.... The book is full of color illustrations, so you can see at a glance what the characters' hearts are feeling. Full of color illustrations, this book comes with a story illustration that you can understand at a glance.