¡Yaba I Ikimono(Shueisha Mirai Bunko)
¡Onodera Tasuku Osamu / Cho Onishi Nobuhiro / Kanshu Inoe Saki Ko/ E
[Machine Translation] Deer shed their magnificent antlers every year!!!! The mushroom that grows in cow poop, the bullfinch mushroom! Hippopotamuses in the wild are faster than a bolt when they get serious! A muscle-bound snail that uses its shell to knock down its enemies! The owl can turn its head 270 degrees to each side! The American lobster walks in single file on the ocean floor day and night, for days on end! The elephant that can no longer be stopped by anyone! The starfish, the star of the sea, can be torn off and grow! Lizards that get stuck in cold or hot weather! And so on and so on.... From elementary intermediate level.