¡Teasing Master Takagi-san Fan Book(Shonen Sunday Comics Special)
¡Yamoto Takaichiro

 Description
[Machine Translation] A must-see book for guys who want to be teased by Mr. Takagi! The first official fan book of "Mr. Takagi the Teasing Friend" is finally here! In the main section, "Observing Mr. Takagi", the "teasing patterns" of Mr. Takagi are categorized and analyzed into three parts: behavior, speech, and posture, in order to save Nishikata from a series of defeats. The program will also include comments from Mr. Koichiro Yamamoto, a professor at the University of Tokyo, on how to get to the bottom of Takagi's "teasing patterns". Of course, we will also look into the charms of Takagi-san and Nishikata (character introductions). In addition, the worlds of "Ashita wa Satsuday" & "Koi ni Koisuru Yukari-chan", another story of "Takagi-san", and "Teasing (ex-)Takagi-san" are also explained. In the "Making of Mr. Takagi" section, we will introduce the process of making "Mr. Takagi the Scorcher". In addition, cute color illustrations of Mr. Takagi, including those published outside of "Gessan," are included. This is the long-awaited fan book for all the boys in Japan who have been made to feel excited by Ms. Takagi's pranks, gestures, and facial expressions!

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