¡Onihei Hanka Cho 24(Bunshun Bunko)
¡Ikenami Shotaro / Cho

 Description
[Machine Translation] Osama sees her old friend, Oito, at a tea store ("Onna Sokutantei Onnazoku"). A new "hair tie", named Gorozo ("Futari no Gorozo"), arrives at the house of a fire thief. Onatsu, an Aragami, is unable to break her feelings for Osama... The last unfinished work "Kidnapped". Hideki Ozaki's "The Literature of Shotaro Ikenami" and Tadaya Akiyama's "Heizo's Favorite Eater" are also included in this final volume of "Onihei"!

凌 Credits
Shotaro Ikenami

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