¡Doki ga Suits wo Nuida nara Ijiwaru na Shanai Joji1 (Bamboo comics)
¡Katakura Mikki

 Description
[Machine Translation] Yoriko is a workaholic with a manly personality, and she and her colleague, Eda, have a dog-monkey relationship. Yoriko, a manly work girl, and her colleague, Eda, are dog and monkey buddies. Yoriko is annoyed that she always gets top grades, but her flirtatious attitude toward female employees is really pissing her off! I'll definitely beat him someday! But...he gets drunk and accidentally has sex with her! I can't stop my body from reacting to the gentle, sweet, and forceful caresses! Don't make me feel like a dirty girl! Tsundere LOVE Tactics!

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