¡Afumi No Umi Minamon Ga Yureru Toki San Eiketsu Ni Kirawareta Fun Na Otoko, Kutsuki Motome Tsuna No Giyakushiyu[Light Novel]
¡Isu Ra Fuiru / Cho
[Machine Translation] Year 1550. The year was 1550, the historical year when the Ashikaga shoguns were expelled by the Miyoshi family and the collapse of the Muromachi Shogunate began. In Kutsuki, a small fiefdom in Omi, there was a boy who became the head of the family at the age of only two. His name was Kuchiki Mototsuna. In fact, he is a reincarnation of a modern Japanese who loves history. His dreams of a military rule under heaven are beset by numerous challenges, including financial difficulties, lack of human resources, and the schemes of other cunning fiefdoms. However, Mototsuna, who knows history, refuses to give in. With his overwhelming knowledge, negotiation skills, and boldness, he navigated his way through the turbulent times. A rare military strategist buried in historical fact rewrites Japanese history! The life of Kutsuki Mototsuna, the only one who saved Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Ieyasu, is boldly portrayed in this historical drama! Includes 2 newly written biographies!