¡Biteki Right BanNovember 2017 Issue [Cover] Ishihara Satomi
[Machine Translation] [The value of a woman is determined by her lips! The evolution of lips is unstoppable! / Four major color lips that will make you more beautiful from the lips / Everything you need to make your lips beautiful! The one lipstick that changed my life / Which one to reserve? 2017 Xmas Coffrets & Limited Editions: The Early Scoop! / The power of Satomi Ishihara's lips I want to look at them all the time / The recommendation of "night cream" to nurture beauty / "Carbonated beauty" is behind the scenes of beauty / The unshakable conclusion of beauty proven by the advocacy of "line use" / The true moisturizing ingredient "hyaluronic acid" that creates elasticity from within the skin How to grow hyaluronic acid, a true moisturizing ingredient that creates elasticity from within the skin / "Deterioration just now" is a gateway to aging / Lotion of Doom 59 for beautiful skin (by skin problem) Higuchi's "Reset Massage" for clear contours! The eyes of five or ten years from now will be made "now"! Megumi Kanzaki, tell us! Neck and decollete care for adults / One minute a day! Body aging care with "diaphragm breathing" one minute a day! What do you need to know about collagen to change your skin's fate? The latest science of "collagen" that can change the fate of your skin / Story behind the beautiful fragrance / The next women's trip is "beauty improvement on a cruise ship" / "Lose weight" for a (effortlessly) beautiful body! / Matte skin and lips are in style now! / Let's learn from Ms. Hari! How can we get rid of the biggest problem of today's women? / One-plate meal to make you look luminous and beautiful / Lighten your feet to be able to wear pumps without any difficulty! / Delizo & urinary problems - Self-check on the magazine! The "Lost in Love" series is a love story of a 34 year old man who is in love with a 34 year old woman. The 34 year old actress is in love and plays a "neutral" ... etc...