¡Shinyaku Machigai No Kigeki / Original Title: the Comedy of Errors(Kadokawa Bunko Shi 6-15 Shakespeare Collection)
¡SHAKESPEARE / [Cho] Kawai Shoichiro / Yaku
[Machine Translation] Antipholus, the elder brother, has come to Ephesus in search of his twin brother who has been separated from him. Then the servants start talking nonsense and a strange woman makes a pass at him, and strange things keep happening. Meanwhile, the younger brother Antipholus is also experiencing strange happenings. In fact, he and his brother have been mistaken for each other. When the two finally come face to face in the chaos of the town, an unexpected miracle occurs... An early comedy full of laughter and tears. Enjoy the pleasure of rhyming in this easy-to-read new translation.