¡Onihei Hanka Cho 13(Bunshun Bunko)
¡Ikenami Shotaro / Cho

 Description
[Machine Translation] Yashiro Matsunaga, a traveling assistant, is horrified when Tatsuzo, Heizo's son, discovers his strange sexual proclivities ("Yonagari no Otomatsu"). He is a good sake drinker and a good snacker. The sake is good, and the snacks are good, too," says Chugo Kimura, a coworker who is in a good mood at a liquor store that sells boiled fish. The other man's face has eyebrows that are connected to each other ("Unibonbun"). The other six stories are "Atami souvenir no treasure", "Murder ripple", "Sumitsubo no Magohachi", and "Haruyuki".

凌 Credits
Shotaro Ikenami

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