¡Saigo No Jokyaku / Hara Title : EL LUTIMO PASAJERO (Juyaku) Original Title: the LAST PASSENGER(Magnolia Books)
¡Mane Ru Ro Urei Ro / Cho Takaoka Kaori / Yaku
[Machine Translation] Kate, a newspaper reporter, has never recovered from the death of her beloved husband, but she is ready to move on. Just then, she takes over a case that her husband, who was in the same business, was last investigating. It was about a strange project undertaken by a businessman, Feldman. In 1939, a cargo ship on a voyage discovered a Nazi ship adrift. Despite the freshly prepared food in the ship's dinner room, neither crew nor passengers were found. -Except for one Jewish baby. It seems that Feldman is about to set sail on the mysterious Valkyrie once again.