¡Onihei Hanka Cho 6(Bunshun Bunko)
¡Ikenami Shotaro / Cho

 Description
[Machine Translation] The old boatman and Heizo leisurely trade pleasantries while waiting for the "hermit" on the boat ("The Hermit of the Okawa River"). Osama is torn between her duties as a secret agent and her feelings for the man she once loved. Heizo, who has been watching over her closely, makes his move ("Kitsunehi"). In addition to two of the most famous stories in the series, this volume contains seven other stories: "Reikin Ni Hyakuryo", "Nekojarashi no Onna", "Kenkaku", "Tobirazou Jinsei Sho", and "Nosoroshi Idoctor".

凌 Credits
Shotaro Ikenami

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