¡Sennyukan Ha Uso Wo Tsuku Joshiki Ya Teisetsu Wo Utagai Junanna Hasso Wo Umu Hoho(SB Shinsho)

 Description
[Machine Translation] Preconceptions are both a key and a hindrance! The probability of disaster is low where I live according to the hazard map, so I should be fine". These are all based on preconceived notions of what "____ will be" and "____ is. The more experienced and knowledgeable a person is, the more stereotypes, assumptions, and wishes get in the way, sometimes leading to mistaken criticism and major mistakes. This book explains the correct way to "remove" preconceptions with abundant examples and warnings. Includes an interview with Matsuko Deluxe.

凌 Credits
Kunihiko Takeda

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