¡ananJanuary 11, 2017 Issue [Cover] Kimura Takuya
¡Magazine House

 Description
[Machine Translation] The latest measures against "cold" in 2017. Winter warming up. Warm up your body from inside and get rid of cold. Muscle training at 20:00 & Stretching at 22:00! Warm up your intestines / Warm up your uterus / Warm up your liver / Warm up and get a good night's sleep, and you will be free from cold. The latest news on sleep & bath 11 / Heat up your body by promoting blood circulation. The "warming up" good thing for the body Grand Prize. The "Warming up" of the body is a good thing. The secret of staying warm in the cold9 / Anan Soken's challenge! Become a beautiful young woman with "Fat Management". Women who want to get warm, go here! The fascinating hot spot news. Real warming wear dissection! What are you wearing? Get through midwinter by warming up! Thorough explanation of high-function inner wear. [Long Interview] / Stay warm, stay warm. / Takuya Kimura / CLOSE UP / Yusho Nakajima / Who's Hot? / Alice Hirose / It GIRL / Yao Aining ... etc.

凌 Credits
Takuya Kimura
Yuto Nakajima
Hey! Say! JUMP

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