¡Nihon Natsukashi Plamodel Taizen(Tatsumi Mook)
¡Kishikawa Yasushi
[Machine Translation] The 14th volume of the Japan Nostalgia Encyclopedia series is about the Showa period (plastic models). If you were a boy in the Showa era, it is probably rare to find someone who had no connection with plastic models at all. Many Showa kids grew up with a lot of plastic models, getting their hands sticky with glue and paint. Model stores were commonplace in shopping arcades and were hangouts for children. This book is a book that will take you back to those days and immerse you in nostalgia to the fullest, introducing a well-balanced selection of items that represent the (Showa) era, including hit products, standard items, and other curios from among domestic plastic models released from the 1960s to the 1980s, covering a wide range of genres. The book also includes a wide variety of items that are unique to the author's personal connections. In addition, the magazine will also include interviews with related persons and interesting columns, which are unique to the author's personal connections, and will be composed of diverse and substantial contents. (Main contents) (tentative) / Character models *Robot and anime models *Special effects and foreign character models / Scale models *Tanks, ships, aircraft *Cars and motorcycles, non-genre models / Resources *History of plastic models: Their birth and evolution *The world of plastic model catalogs *The world of model magazines and manufacturer PR magazines The World of Box Art: Its Transition and Artists / Interviews and Dialogues with the People Involved / Various Columns ......etc.
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