¡QED Flumen Zukiyo Mi(Kodansha Novels)
¡Takada Takafumi / Cho

 Description
[Machine Translation] A woman is found strangled to death at Tsukiyomi Shrine in Kyoto. The next morning, the body of the woman's brother is hung from a torii gate at the nearby Matsuo Taisha shrine. Ryohei Komatsuzaki, covering the case, learns that Takashi Kuwabara and Nana Tanahata are in Kyoto on an overnight trip, and he forces them to join him. What is the true identity of Tsukiyomi-no-Mikoto, the greatest mystery of the Chronicles? What is the tragedy of the Hata clan, the technical group of the migrant people? Takashi's deductions are brilliant in this long-awaited new work of QED.

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