¡Nikkei Woman Special EditionNovember 2016 Issue [Cover] Ishihara Satomi [Supplement] Mannenhitsu, "Bi Moji" Renshu Cho
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 Description
[Machine Translation] Special supplement - WOMAN's special fountain pen with "Bifumiji" (beautiful handwriting) practice book. Shortcut computer work in 1 second! The best notebook! A "one-volume" notebook that supported the days of Mitsuki Takahata's "Toto-chan" as she ran through the show with all her might. Let's take a look at a notebook that brings in money! Women who have improved their work power with a notebook / Triple your time! Fusen Notebook" / How to write and organize your schedule to make more time! How to write and organize your schedule / Love yourself more with "Notebook Time" in the morning and at night! We'll tell you which notebook is right for you! Model/Artist Natsume Sanno: Tell us how to write to find your strengths! Our dream came true with "Daily Record"! How to write a notebook to achieve your goals / A collection of "easy" ideas to make your notebook prettier / What you should use with your notebook! The latest and best stationery 33 / Recommendations for "one square a day" diaries / How to make full use of your time in your organizer NOLTY CARELLE utilization techniques will be revealed! CULTURE SPECIAL ! 3 heart-wrenching movies that are a must-see for working women Close Up! / Textbook for beautiful skin without wasting money and time / "Hidden Poor Girl"? [Cover Interview] / Satomi Ishihara: I write down my thoughts in a notebook and confirm my image of myself and what I want to do ... etc.

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Satomi Ishihara

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