¡Isekai Izakaya "Nobu" Shinobuto Taisho No Koto Gohan(Kono Manga Ga Sugoi! Comics)
¡Semi Kawa, Natsuya / Gensaku Kururi / Manga
[Machine Translation] The hit fantasy "Isekai Izakaya Nobu" by "Meji Terrorism Fantasy" is being comicalized with a "newly drawn story" by the original author, Natsuya Semikawa, and a "newly drawn manga" by the official illustrator, Kururi (Tenn), a combination of the original story and the original illustrator! This is a completely new story, adapted into manga by the original illustrator, and is a work that is coveted by fans and non-fans alike! The comic book will come with many special features, including newly drawn color illustrations, a previously unreleased comic book exclusive story, and a fun 4-panel comic under the cover!
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