¡Monster Hunter "M.S.S Project X Famitsu Bunko" Collaboration Novel: Tenchi Chaos na Shuryoso4 (Famitsu Bunko) [Light Novel]
¡M.S.S Project with Keiichi Hikami
[Machine Translation] As they thought of it, as they felt like it... Having gained experience as hunters on their journey so far, FB, Kikkun, Aromahot, and Eo-Eo came to a realization: "Isn't our goal to become a musician? Our goal is to become musicians, isn't it? So they come to the town of Dondorma and immediately start preparing to resume their music activities, but there are unexpected obstacles in their way... The fourth volume of the popular collaborative novel in which MSSP, a group of extremely popular video game players, take on the challenge of hunting in the world of "MonHun"!