¡Detective Conan Konan to Ebizo Kabuki Ju Hachi Ban Mystery(Shogakukan Junior Bunko)
¡Mizuki Shima / Aoyama Gosho / Original Writer Kashiwabara Hiroshi Shi / Kyakuhon

 Description
[Machine Translation] Conan scoops up a car that has lost its brakes from an accident. Hosoo, who was driving the car, was on his way to deliver a valuable mask belonging to him to a Kabuki actor, Ebizo Ichikawa. Accompanied by Hosoo, Conan and his friends go to the Kabuki-za Theater, where they meet Ebizo himself. The masks Hosoo delivers are to be used in a new Kabuki play, "Shichitsu-men," which Ebizo is planning to stage as a new Kabuki play. The next day, however, someone steals the masks and Takahashi, Hosoo's secretary, is found murdered. Who is the murderer? Conan and Ichikawa Ebizo, the prince of the Kabuki world, join forces in this thrilling mystery. The fastest New Year's Special! The latest! Novelization!

凌 Credits
Goushou Aoyama

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