¡TV LIFEDecember 4, 2015 Issue [Cover] Tamamori Yuta (Kis-My-Ft2)
¡Gakken Marketing

 Description
[Machine Translation] Program List:11/21 - 12/4 [COVER TALK] / Yuta Tamamori in "Youth Detective Haruya: No Adult Evil Allowed! / Winter Drama Update! The latest news of winter dramas! / Masahiro Nakai in "Momm! / Autumn Drama Special Report: heroine's fashion, art sets, and (secret) scoops! / Arashi / Arashi ni shiyagara Series on Satoshi Ono & Jun Matsumoto / Arashi Topic Kazuya Ninomiya Close up of "Botchan" recording & latest shots from "Akamedaka" / VS Arashi Match joins the Arashi team! Best Hit Songs Festival 2015" 2 hours live broadcast with gorgeous artists! / KinKi Kids Single Release Gravure / V6 LIVE TOUR 2015 -since 1995 ~FOEVER- Full Report / New Program Commentary 25th Anniversary 2 Weeks in a Row "Sekinoni Bizarre Story" "Best Artist" by Sho Sakurai 2015", "Q-sama! SP", "Sanma's Quick Press Talk", "Now is the time", etc. / Tereyu: Kanjani Eight "Samurai Song" MV report! [INTERVIEW] / Gotonori Iwata, Nobuyuki Suzuki & Keita Machida in "HiGH&Low" / "Samurai Sensei" series Ryo Nishikido & Yuna Kuroshima / Noriyuki Higashiyama, Masahiro Matsuoka & Yuri Chinen in "Bussinessman 2015" / "Kamen Rider Ghost" discussion with Hayao Nishime, Hikaru Osawa, Takayuki Yanagi, Ryosuke Yamamoto & Yuto Isomura MUSIC INTERVIEW - HKT48 ... etc.

凌 Credits
Yuta Tamamori

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