¡Little Prince Hoshi No Oji-Sama to Watashi(Take Shobo Bunko)
¡An Towa Nu doANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPERY / Cho Bob Pa Shikettei / Story Tokatsu Irina Buri Null / Kyakuhon Bob Pa Shikettei / Kyakuhon Sakai Noriko / Hencho
[Machine Translation] A 9-year-old girl spends her days studying hard and making no friends in order to get into a good school. She moves into a prestigious school district, but there is an eccentric old man living next door. One day, she was curious about a paper airplane that flew in from next door and opened it to find a story about a little prince. Unable to resist the urge to know the rest of the story, the girl visited her neighbor's house. As she listens to the prince's story and spends time with him, the two become irreplaceable friends. One day, however, her grandfather falls ill. The girl sets off on a journey to find the prince in a propeller plane for him, as he had said he wanted to see the prince once more! This is the story of the aftermath of that story that everyone knows, but no one knows.