¡WOOFIN'November 2015 Issue [Cover] KOHH
¡Shinko Music

 Description
[Machine Translation] BIG BIG COLLABORATIONS! Collaboration Issue] / INFLUENCER 'S CHOICE Hot collaboration products worn by influencers / COLLABORATION LIBRARY New collaboration catalog for Fall 2015 7 collaborations between artists / JUST THE THING! Collaboration Items Dig the coolest collaboration clothes at popular select stores! THE STREET HERO feat. Kotobuki-kun ANDSUNS presents urban coordination with Kotobuki-kun! ANARCHY meets Reebok CLASSIC Classic Leather TC with chic atmosphere / alife Brand new clothes of alife worn by 4 members of KANDYTOWN [Cover Interview] / KOHH Third album "DIRT" SP Interview & Collaboration item with FACETASM! Brand Topic / New Era ( R ) Stadium Jacket 3 excellent outerwear with genuine style / LEFLAH New LEFLAH outerwear with military taste has arrived! ... More

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