¡Anan (an an)July 15, 2015 Issue [Cover] Kasumi Arimura [Feature] Harawata De Sukkiri Choyase!
¡Magazine House
[Machine Translation] / Masumi Arimura, Tamenai Karada / Is your intestine OK? The beauty starts from the inside of your body. The key to slimming and not slimming lies in the bacteria. The key to slimming and not slimming lies in the bacteria! Let's change your "intestinal flora" into a flower garden. If you loosen the hard parts, you will have a "pleasant bowel movement"! Pinpoint your intestines and you'll feel refreshed. Let's find the yogurt of your dreams! We are always doing intestinal activities. This is the beautiful gut life of popular models! / Mikiko Yano/Natsunan Ohya / Eat and feel better! Use it and feel good! There are many more topics on beautiful intestines. Helpful microorganisms! Bacteria are very active! Want more and more beauty? Then eat "fermented food"! You will feel it in 3 days! Beautiful body in 3 days! Easy at home! Body cleanse recipes. Liver and kidney should be regulated now. Attention! Internal organs beauty. If the position of the internal organs is restored, they will start to circulate! It's easy! Only 3 minutes! Stretch your internal organs in just 3 minutes! Cold internal organs are the enemy of beauty! Warm them up in summer to increase basic metabolism. End stubborn swelling. A diet without salt will refresh your body. What kind of damage can it do? What kind of damage is done to the liver? Why is it so captivating? The best of the best of the best. ... And more.
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