¡Daytona (Deitona)August 2015 Issue
¡Neko Publishing
[Machine Translation] [The pleasure of driving over 5 meters! I want a full-size American! In the past, the American car was a symbol of power and wealth, and an indispensable vehicle for success in life. With their massive bodies, gleaming ornamentation, and large-displacement engines that carried their huge bodies, American cars were a symbol of power and wealth, and an essential part of life's success. To drive a car, to buy a car. Now is the time to reevaluate these things that are no longer so special. *Setagaya Base / Transom Full Restoration Mission! +Setagaya Base's top picks / Miniature car XTR TOYS CUSTOM VAN / This month's interesting reductions Rocket launcher of the AH-1S anti-tank helicopter / Discover Channel Can people be brainwashed? / Supercar Gaiden LAMBORGHINI URUS / Dig up B-29, the challenger of the sky 02 / Wekfest japan 2015 / D-VAN GP 8th / What is Papachari, not Mama-chari? 2 ... etc.