¡De JimonosuteshonAugust 2015 Issue
¡M-ON! Entertainment

 Description
[Machine Translation] ( All-out special feature ) / Start this summer! Digital Hobbies for Adults / "Enjoy by Yourself! Leica / Binoculars / Photobooks / High-resolution digital cameras / Plastic models / "Avengers" / Electric guns / Radio-controlled cars / Robots / "Fun for Everyone! Musical instruments, train photography, running, bicycles, music festivals, BBQs, cooking appliances The key to fun is "+ alpha individuality" "Cordless stick vacuum cleaner" Which navigation system to buy / Streaming, BD playback, high-resolution, etc.: Choose the latest car navigation system by entertainment functions! The latest car navigation systems are selected for their entertainment features. Digital technology that is taking the motorcycle world by storm / Vision glasses / Ayami Nakajo ... Other

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