¡Gene Wolf No Kinen Hinomoto / Hara Title : GENE WOLFE'S BOOK of DAYS(Mirai No Bungaku)
¡Gene Wolf / Cho Sakai Akinobu / Yaku Miyawaki Takao / Yaku Yagishita Kichiro / Yaku
[Machine Translation] Finally, the second collection of short stories by Gene Wolfe, the master of "The Fifth Head of Cerberus" and "The Island of Dr. Death and Other Stories" is now available. From Lincoln's Birthday to New Year's Eve, this astonishing collection of unpredictable tales is made up of pieces that are associated with American holidays! The absurdist middle story "Folesen," about the condensed life of a businessman in a world of failure; "The Swap Child," an eerie tale of Peter Pan-derived death imagery; "Car Sinister," about a car that goes ____; "The Battle of the Trees," a Christmas Eve battle between old and new toys; and many more! The collection contains 18 of Woolf's early short stories filled with unpredictable tales and intellectual gimmicks, presented with the brilliant style and skill of the "wizard of words.