¡Sora No Professional No Shigoto Jutsu Team De Mamoru Koku No Anzen(Kotsu Shimbun Sha Shinsho)
¡Sugi Ko Hiroshi / Cho
[Machine Translation] While there are bright spots such as the rise of LCCs and the increase in international flights at Haneda Airport, there have also been many incidents and accidents in the airline industry in recent years. Why did they happen, could they have been prevented, and how can the damage be minimized? The author, a former captain of a Boeing 747 with the world's longest flight time record, focuses on the various positions involved in flight operations, including the captain, who is ultimately responsible for flight operations, and air traffic controllers, and explains how important teamwork is for safe operations, based on his own experiences and past accident cases. The author proposes a "professional work style" from the perspective of aviation safety, not only for airline personnel but also for all people, including the general public.