¡arMarch 2015 Issue [Cover] Ishihara Satomi
¡Shufu to seikatsusha
[Machine Translation] / Ai aru onna ichijou! / Satomi Ishihara LOVE road ( LOVE straight line ) / Just the way to get your hormones going, the spring of love preparation list / Permanent dating techniques Erika Mori dating face WINNER!!! / Suzu LOVELY 31DAYS ( I'm living for love right now) - Love addict Mikko's spring outfits 2015 / My BEST of everyone! Watashiki-teki LOVE-1 Grand Prix / Want to be loved? Want to be loved? Love is the best way to make love last / Lob hairstyle for popular girls (the most catchy hair right now) / Love is sense: A conversation with Emi Suzuki on love / More melting melts for melty boys / How to make your body agile: Love it, love it, love it / I only want to be surrounded by things that I love. Clean up your room, body, and mind! ... etc.
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