¡non-no [No Bonus Ver.]January 2015 Issue [Cover] Honda Tsubasa

 Description
[Machine Translation] Winter is in full swing, and we've done an in-depth research on "clothes that are too good to be true" / Mirei Kiritani's hit clothes will make you look feminine in winter / Tsubasa Honda's 14 Days of Aoharu outfits using seasonal basics / Reader's Choice! / Readers' Choice! Winter Items 2014 / This one piece of outerwear is all you need in the middle of winter / When you get tired of skirts, switch to pants! / Change your "existing knitwear" to "useful knitwear"! The most popular coordinates for "certain dates" - Beauty to make you fall in love in midwinter / Hair lessons to make you fall in love / Kissable lips / Eyeliner & eyelashes in fashionable color? How about using a fashionable color for eyeliner and eyelashes? Oil beauty" to make your skin fall in love [Reward BOOK] / Tiffany & Co., the eternally adored brand Mirei is in love with / Christmas jewelry collection / Trilling accessories found at favorite brands / Thrilling Christmas coffret / A must-have present LIST / Wings in Aoharide BOOK ... etc.

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