¡Kuroi Hitomi No Blonde / Hara Title : the BLACK-EYED BLONDE(HAYAKAWA POCKET MYSTERY BOOKS 1888)
¡Ben Jamin Black / Cho Kotaka Nobumitsu / Yaku

 Description
[Machine Translation] A graceful woman visited the office of private detective Philip Marlowe. Her name is Claire. Her hair is blonde, but her eyes are black, an unusual combination. She comes from a wealthy family that runs a perfume company and asks him to find her former lover, who has suddenly disappeared. Marlowe wonders why he is being asked to do this, but accepts the beautiful woman's request and begins his investigation. Little does he know that his search will lead him to confront his unforgettable past once again... John Banville, the Booker Prize-winning author of the best of English literature, has taken on the challenge under a different name in this authorized sequel to Chandler's "The Long Goodbye"!

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