¡itLOVENovember 2014 Issue [Cover] Nagasawa Masami [Supplement] "Kisei Ju" Mi Ghee Kimo Kawa Sticker

 Description
[Machine Translation] Appendix - "Yosei Zyu" Miggy's creepy-crawly stickers - What I want to be when I turn 30 is "Normal Fashion" / Part 1: Masami Nagasawa's "Normal yet Fashionable" / Part 2: The "Normal yet Fashionable" theory / Part 3: "Normal People" and "Normal yet Fashionable People"...... What's the difference? Part4 "Normal but Stylish" by Mayuko Kobayashi, fashion writer / Kiko Mizuhara wears the newest Stella McCartney / Masami Nagasawa, our newest fashion designer / Koji Mizuhara, our newest fashion designer / Koji Mizuhara, our newest fashion designer / Masami Nagasawa: Our Tiffany / 30s items to buy now / Emi Suzuki: Trendy long coats and all-in-one dresses for adults / Hair that looks good with clothes. / Fashionable adults have their own style. What are the new basics for mature lips? The new autumn collection of Laura / New basics for the adult lips / Find the clothes you'll wear tomorrow / "Live like you live" in Brooklyn / Fluffy items that adults love ... More

凌 Credits
Masami Nagasawa

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