¡Strange Days2014 December Issue
¡Strange Days
[Machine Translation] Queen ( Queen ) / Runner of the lap - Around Queen 1974 / British rock 1974 / Queen-Live at the Rainbow '74 Commentary / Original albums ( 1973 - 1975 ) Commentary / Queen Forever - The perfection of West Coast Rock spun by sincere message and sincere voice / Jackson Browne and Asylum Records ( Asylum Records ) / Jackson Browne and Asylum Records ( Asylum Records ) Jackson Browne and Asylum Records / Original album commentary / Selection of 20 Asylum albums ( album commentary ) / Personnel directory / Progressive rock 45th anniversary 2014 release information: King Crimson/Jesus/Janesis/Pink Floyd/EL&P, etc. / Valencia ( Interview with Valensia about their new album "Aglaea (Gaia 3) - Legacy: Aglaea (Gaia 3)" / Bigelf - Interview with Damon Fox - Commentary on the original album / Havenstreet Interview / Modern Deep Soul Collection / MR.BIG: Back to Basics 25th Anniversary Album / The Western Treasure Museum returns / The Pop Group: The first reissue project / The Beatles' Gene's latest album / Live Report - Allan Holdsworth ( Allan Holdsworth ... etc.