¡Tsuzuki Michio Jidai Shosetsu Collection 4(Ebisu Hikari Sachi Jidai Shosetsu Meisaku Kan)
¡Tsuzuki Michio / Cho Kusaka Sanzo / Hen

 Description
[Machine Translation] Yahachi Nenbutsu, an Okabiki of Komagata who uses an iron bead as a weapon, Sotoki Inou, a retired former Doushin, and Tear, a beautiful blind girl who uses clairvoyant eyes, take on a series of mysterious incidents involving a sorcerer, Kotenji Amakusa, who claims to be a descendant of Shiro Amakusa, in the city of Edo! In addition to "Yukiden," a long occult detective story that combines a mystery novel and a historical mystery, this volume contains four short stories from the author's twenties, including "Hengen Kogane Oni," and "Yukiden"'s prototype, "Yakuyamizaka Shinju," which is not included in the collection.

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