¡Fukumen Sentai Ruchadoresu Five Rucharibure / Hara Title : Lucha Libre Luchadores Five
¡Jelly Furi Ssen / Saku Biru / Kaku Hara Masato / Yaku
[Machine Translation] Los Angeles is a city on the west coast of the U.S. where the sun shines brightly and time flows slowly. In this city where people enjoy their lives, a seed of evil is spreading unnoticed. On behalf of the carefree residents, five masked warriors-El Gladiator, Red Demon, Diablo Loco, Dr. Pantera, and King Karateka-dedicate themselves day and night to the battle to eradicate evil. They are the reincarnated mummies of the ancient Aztec civilization. Wearing masks of lucha libre, a popular Mexican martial art, they continue to save the world while enduring ridicule as the Luchadores Five... Monsters suddenly appear, mysterious astronauts, and anachronistic French thieves! No rest for the masked warriors!