¡Engeki Kai2014 September Issue
[Machine Translation] Special Appendix: Somegoro's Kabuki Mysteries, a special one-page note from the world of the theater, and a two-page clear file containing autographs of young Hanagata [Frontispiece] / Hanabanashi! Young Hanagata in their 20s [Part 1] / New Hanagata Actors: An Introduction / Matsuya Onoe / Haru Inumaru / Umeeda Nakamura / Hiro Hasebe / Utsutomasa Nakamura / Ryuichi Kodama / Mantaro Nakamura / Shoko Kodama / Minosuke Bando / Toshihiko Ishiyama / Takematsu Ichimura / Yukihisa Oshima / Ichitaro Nakamura / Ayako Bando (New Column) - Long Interview: "Year by year, flowers by year Nakamura Kichiemon / Popular Stages/Interview: Yago-no-kai Bando Yajuro Bando Shingo / Somegoro's Kabuki Mysteries Text and drawings=Ichikawa Somegoro / Kamigata Kabuki's Great Stages Special Part I: Yamada Shoichi's Jizukawa Nobuwaka II / Kabuki Masterpiece Guide: Otoko-tachi-bayari Commentary=Terada Shima / Meijutsu no Shokutaku: Ichikawa Danjuro XI / Kozoku / Kabuki story - "Shiki Sanbaso" and "O-no-chukei" / Word flower -Lines that reach the heart "Oniichibogen sanbakumaki Kikuhata" Kaikaku-hime / Theatrical experience in the famous stage story "Hamamatsuya" / Visiting Children's Kabuki -Hidoyama Rural Kabuki (Children's Kabuki) [Hitoyama, Dojo-cho, Azuki-gun, Kagawa] *Summer stage / Kabuki Theatre / National Theatre / Osaka Kabuki Theatre / Kabuki Theatre / Kabuki Theatre of the Summer / Kabuki Theatre of the Winter / Kabuki Theatre of the Summer Kabuki-za / National Theatre / Osaka Shochikuza / Minami-za / Shochiku Grand Kabuki Kumonkyo East Course / Ichikawa Ennosuke Special Dance Performance / Ashikaga Kabuki / Mashiko Satoyama Art Festival: Mashiko Kabuki / Shochiku Shinkigeki Bakunyu Nanayu Performance / Mt. Kabuki Highlights / Kabuki in the Theater World / Kabuki at Home / Resources June-July ... Others ... etc.