¡Wakai Geijutsu Ka No Shozo / Original Title: a Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man(Shueisha Bunko J 1-5 Helicopter Tejishirizu)
¡Jay Muzu JOIS / [Cho] Maruya Saichi / Yaku
[Machine Translation] Stephen Dedalus, the protagonist, was born the eldest son of a middle-class Irish family. This masterpiece of modernism depicts the trajectory of his soul from his childhood, when he yearned to be an artist, to his departure from Ireland, following his linguistic consciousness.1 , boarding at a Jesuit school.2 , the downfall of his family, changing schools, becoming a prostitute...3 , his sense of guilt and repentance.4 , redemption, the struggle to choose the priesthood.5 , his flight as an artist.6 , his life as an artist. 3 , consciousness of guilt and repentance; 4 , atonement, the struggle to choose the priesthood; 5 , determination to fly as an artist; 6 , the struggle to become a painter; 7 , the struggle to become a painter; 8 , the struggle to become a painter; 9 , the struggle to become an artist.