¡Boku Ha Koko Ni Iru / Hara Title : I'm Here
¡Pita Reinoruzu / Saku Sakaki Tamotsu / Yaku
[Machine Translation] One day in 2007. Peter Reynolds received a letter. The recipient of the letter was Denise Resnick. She has a son with autism, and in the course of trying to get support for him, she started her own institute for better care of people with autism. Reynolds was consulting with her about activities to promote understanding of autism and cooperation with the institute. She said, "I can see my son. I can see him, I can hear him. But my hands can't reach him. ...... In her letter, she wrote of her feelings as a mother. My son Matthew was diagnosed with autism at a very young age. He had little speech and had a hard time joining in with the other children. Reynolds recalls. I understood immediately. It was just after lunchtime when I read the letter. He ran a pen over a napkin he had on hand and drew the image as it came to him. A boy. There are other children nearby, but he is alone. He is full in his own world, and something is captivating him. He carefully folds paper to make paper airplanes. I let them fly in the wind. Maybe someone will notice me. ...... This picture book was born from there.