¡Sobamon Nippon Soba Angya12 (Big Comics)
¡Osamu Yamamoto

 Description
[Machine Translation] Japan's only authentic soba manga! Ryo Yashiro, who was taught the art of Edo soba by his grandfather, who was said to be a master. This time, he helps to recreate the soba of the Genroku period in Edo, which is said to have been eaten by the Ako Ronin before they went into battle. The initiators of the recreation, a buckwheat noodle shop in Niigata's Shinbuta and an Edo sobariye, have been trying to recreate the dish according to what is written in the documents that have survived today, but they are having difficulty. Is there a solution! The clue comes from Horibe Yasube, who stands in front of them in their dream and tells them about the soy sauce situation in those days! How will it end?

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