¡Tamagotchi! Yume Kira Tamagotchi Boshi No Pinch!... Dream Town He!(Kadokawa Tsubasa Bunko)
¡BANDAI / Saku WiZ / Saku Man Ri Anna / Bun Matsui Aya / Kyakuhon Ohashi Kokorozashi Kichi / Kyakuhon

 Description
[Machine Translation] Tamagotchi and the Tamagotchi planet will become eggs without eyes or mouths! In order to stop this from happening, everyone must join forces to work together... Mamechi and his friends go to Dream Town to study abroad. There, they meet Dreamy and Kirari, who aspire to become idols. They transform themselves with a mysterious bag! More than 130 cute pictures and a Dream School guide are included! The story of the popular anime! From elementary level.

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