¡Man No Jomukatte Ken Samurai Tokuhon Chotsukai! Jidai Shosetsu(Kosu Mikku Jidai Bunko)
¡Yamate Kichiro / Cho
[Machine Translation] Mannosuke Ushioda, who had made a determined departure to admonish the lord, met a merchant who called himself Bushu-ya. The two men, who happen to rescue a samurai girl named Sanae and a female light-worker named Kogitsutayu, learn that Mannosuke himself has received an order to take revenge on the lord. The two men, who had saved Sanae, a samurai girl, and Kogitayu, a female light, from the snow, learned that Mannosuke himself had been ordered to take a vengeance on the clan. Mannosuke was speechless at Bushuuya's sharp point of view. Mannosuke, on a sudden impulse, visited his sister Hime and found out the truth of the matter. His fellow apprentice, Yasuoka Einoshin and his faction were bent on taking over the house and the princess. If he did not stand up to them, he would not be a samurai. With the help of Bushuuya and others, Mannosuke is determined to enter the hell house. This is a very painful historical novel by the nationally popular author, Jiichiro Yamate.