¡Rankiryu Shosetsu Kyodai Keizai Shimbun Ka(Kadokawa Bunko)
¡Takasugi Ryo
[Machine Translation] Under the dictatorship of a one-man president, the national newspaper Tokyo Keizai Sangyo Shimbun was in turmoil. Finally, a shocking situation occurred when a subsidiary's bills of exchange leaked out. The company was using the bills to create slush funds by issuing fictitious orders. The company was criticized for fueling the bubble economy, but was it really willing to sacrifice its pride in supporting the development of Japan's economy? The battle of the newspaper journalists with hearts and minds against the management team, riddled with ugly rumors, is about to begin! This is the quintessential economic novel that exposes the inner workings of media management and sharply questions the ethics and responsibilities of the press.