¡Rome No Kyujitsu TOEIC Test 350 Ten Ijo(IBC Audio Bukkusu - Yasashi Eigo Wo Kite Yomu -)
¡Ear N Makureran Hunter / Cho Matsuzawa Kiyoshi / Kanshu

 Description
[Machine Translation] This is a one-day love story of a princess and a newspaper reporter, set in Rome. The princess, who leads a cramped life due to her daily official duties, meets Joe and enjoys her holiday by touring Rome's sights, such as the Spanish Steps and the Mouth of Truth. Audrey Hepburn, a new actress, played Princess Anne, and the movie was a big hit. The total word count is 10,000 words. TOEIC test score 350 or higher.

凌 Credits
Ian McLellan Hunter

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