¡Mitsu Jo(B-BOY Novels)
¡Iwamoto Kaoru / Cho

 Description
[Machine Translation] Xunjin left Japan with his beloved girlfriend, Kamon, almost as if they eloped. He was spending a sweet honeymoon with Kamon, who loves him madly, both physically and emotionally, even though he knows that he is a member of a werewolf clan that transforms into wolves. However, when he is attacked by mysterious men, Kamon suddenly decides to return home. He asks for help from his brother, Shun-oh, who is also a werewolf, and his girlfriend, Yuki, but what happens goes far beyond what the four of them could have imagined...? The third installment of this popular series features both "Rut" and "Lust" as the main characters. All newly written and full of hyper eroticism.

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