¡Heavy Object3 Denshi Sugaku no Zaiho (Dengeki Bunko) [Light Novel]
¡Kazuma Kamachi

 Description
[Machine Translation] Miniska Santa. The elite princess, whose charms are rather irresistible despite her expressionless face, and Floreitia, a devilish superior officer who has no idea what she eats to get such big tits, are in front of you in miniskirt Santa... Quenser and Hayvia, the bad soldiers who always get the short end of the stick, are finally rewarded. But now they finally get their reward! In the southern hemisphere of Oceania, where the war took place, an everlasting summer Christmas party was held. ( We are going to rendezvous with a mini-skirted Santa Claus after this war... ) What is going to happen in this near-future action film?

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