¡The Last TrainUHD Master Edition [Limited Edition]
[Machine Translation] A man and a woman meet during World War II... The ultimate form of love... One of the most beautiful and heartbreaking final scenes in the history of cinema is now available in a premium price version! Based on the novel by Georges Simenon, the author of the "Inspector Megre" series, director Pierre Granier-Deferre has created a masterpiece of romantic cinema that beautifully captures the pathos of love and the sadness of love in the midst of the tragedy of war. Starring Jean-Louis Trintignant (Man and Woman) and Romy Schneider (The Sun Knows). Their restrained performances and superb direction, combined with Philippe Sardot's emotionally rich score, bring this timeless masterpiece to life in vivid UHD master. The long-awaited first Blu-ray release in Japan!