¡Musical "Romio no Aoi Sora"
[Machine Translation] The long-awaited musical adaptation of the animated television series "Romeo's Blue Sky," produced by Nippon Animation and broadcast in 1995 as the 21st episode of Fuji Television's "The World Masterpiece Theater" series, 26 years after its broadcast ended. The musical is directed by Hideyuki Nishimori, written by Kosei Chung, and music by Shunsuke Wada, and features 28 songs in total. --In a small village in Switzerland near the Italian border in the late 19th century, a young boy named Romeo lives a happy life with his poor family. However, the family's farm is lost in a plot by a villain, and Romeo sells himself to a trader and comes to Milan as a chimney sweep to help the family financially. Romeo's days are hard, but he lives with the encouragement of his boss's daughter, Angeletta, his best friend Alfredo, and his fellow chimney sweeps. Together with his friends, he forms the "Black Brothers" and makes a strong vow of friendship.