¡Maemaji Life Style02 [Regular Edition] [CD+CD-ROM]
¡Radio CD (Tomoaki Maeno, Junji Majima)

 Description
[Machine Translation] Wouldn't you like to think about your lifestyle with Maemaji? Tomoaki Maeno and Junji Mashima, two men with opposite lifestyles, present to listeners the second volume of "Maemaji LIFE STYLE," a radio program that experiments with lifestyles by proposing "How about this way of living? The second volume of "Maemaji LIFE STYLE," an experimental radio program about life in which Tomoaki Maeno and Junji Mashima, two men with opposite lifestyles, offer suggestions to listeners, is now on sale! This 2-CD set (standard edition) includes an audio CD newly recorded on location, and an mp3 data CD containing the soundtracks from the 14th to 27th broadcasts.

凌 Credits

¡ Detailview
¡ Tracklisting


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