"Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Dokokai" A. ZU. NA 3rd Single: Blue!
A. ZU. NA [Ayumu Uehara (Aguri Onishi), Shizuku Osaka (Kaori Maeda), Setsuna Yuki (Tomori Kusunoki)]
[Bonus Offer: You can receive a box "DiverDiva" with a purchase of LACM-24321, LACM-24320, LACM-24322, LACM-24323 in one order. *First-come-first served basis] Third single release from "Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Dokokai"! Includes two new songs and their off vocal versions plus a bonus audio drama track. Cover artwork features new illustration. This one features the unit, A. ZU. NA.
yFirst Pressz
Bonus Extra
(included while First Press is still available)
a sticker, application cards (valid only in Japan)