¡The Sun
Japanese DVD release of "The Sun," the film that rocked the Berlin Film Festival and was said to be unshowable in Japan. The year, 1945 . . . August. His name was Emperor Hirohito and now he was living a simple life more befit of a gardener. The palace has been turned to ash and Japan's emporer mus now live underground studying biology in the one place that's safe for him in Japan, an underground shelter made of rock. The people believe him to be the son of god, but he knows he's the same as everyone else. The only difference, he was unable to stop the gears of war from turning in his own country. His grief turns to nightmares that plague him during naps, and when he wakes he finds only the nightmare of being alone. Murmuring that noone loves him, he brings his lips to ta photo album of his wife and child, both living far away. Japan is still in the dark. Soon the day comes to meet with General Douglas MacArthur, and in his heart the emperor has only one wish.
Special Features:
theatrical trailer(s)
Original Release Year: 2005
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