¡Tabi no Owari Sekai no Hajimari[Priced-down Reissue]
¡Japanese Movie

 Description
[Machine Translation] [King Record Japanese Movie 2024] Horror, Eros, Violence, Music, ATG and more...! From indies to major blockbusters, from cult to entertainment, from bad to masterpiece, King Record presents 300 Japanese films! The second volume: 60 Blu-ray titles and 90 DVD titles. This film was shot entirely on location in Uzbekistan by internationally and domestically acclaimed director Kiyoshi Kurosawa. Atsuko Maeda plays the lead role, following her role in "The Walking Invaders". Director: Kiyoshi Kurosawa / Starring: Atsuko Maeda, Shota Sometani, Tokio Emoto, Ryo Kase

Original Release Year: 2019

凌 Credits
Atsuko Maeda
Shota Sometani
Tokio Emoto
Ryo Kase
Kiyoshi Kurosawa
Yusuke Hayashi

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